My Traumatic Brain Injury & Career

Hightail, who i use for my file sharing web platform, did an interview about my traumatic brain injury (back in Dec 2010,) while skiing (yes; wearing a helmet)  and how my life and career was immediately impacted. Click on this Interview to learn how life and work changed for me overnight and the interesting twists and turns and ‘silver linings’ that the accident presented me. Since my first TBI in Dec 2010, I’ve had 7 more concussions.  I had lost my empathy, vision processing, creativity, memory, personality, and many other cognitive functions and emotional capacities multiple times with each injury. I’ve done every single modality of healing the brain that I’ve come across, both western and eastern treatments, from using food as medicinal purpose, medical treatments, and supplements all to regain or maintain cognitive health. Through all of this, I’ve become very passionate in supporting head injury research and treatments for others. Reach out to me anytime for further discussions ~

Finding Inspiration

The most profound source of inspiration for me is nature. Just seeing the color in flowers, the way the grasses and leaves bend in the gentle breezes, the way the light and shadow reflects and dances from object to object. The aroma of fresh clean air mixed with earth all around me. The sounds of rivers and streams trickling… this is what recharges my creative batteries. These are just a few of my snapshots with my iPhone while hiking in search of wildflowers (and weeds… yes I love the beauty of Milk Thistle) up in Big Sky near Northwest Yellowstone. 

SIZE does matter!

With my Wild Mustangs artwork, I strongly believe ‘bigger is better’ because of the emotional impact these pieces have when viewing. They command such presence in whatever environment they are in - just like the Wild Mustangs do when you are in their presence. My clients share with me that these pieces have an incredible spiritual and emotional impact on them when they are in the space with their pieces.  I hear the art pieces alters their mood, outlook, and they are calmed, inspired, and ‘moved’ by them… and every day. Check out this lovely lady, (Kathy, my gal-pal at my lab) standing next to 72x48 Puer Aeternus on acrylic and Handsome (I must say he certainly is!) at 60x45 and then me standing beside a 60x40 I Do. As you can see, the larger format is powerful!

Using Format